Bohnerwachs // Phonocake // Showcase
October 8th, 2010
A journey through musical and visual interpretations by Anaxy, Cyclotron, ds-xorg visuals, EchoLogy, Enzym, Escape Now!, fishualz, Idhren, KERN, Kryptic Universe, Mary Smith, Mr. Incognito, Noize Creator, Pure Zero.
Dresden has long boasted a very vibrant electronica music scene. Some artists are known outside the city, making music in other European countries, in Japan or the USA. Ten local musicians will be presenting special 20 minute interpretations in space, together with the city’s VJs – a kaleidoscope of electronic sounds - during the Tonlagen Festival.
Merkur - Idhren
Venus - Kryptic Universe :: visuals: fishualz
Erde - Cyclotron :: visuals: Pure Zero
Mars - Mr Incognito :: visuals:
Jupiter - Kern :: visuals: Pure Zero
Saturn - Escape Now! :: visuals:
Uranus - Anaxy :: visuals: Pure Zero
Neptun - EchoLogy :: visuals : Mary Smith
Transneptunische Objekte - Enzym :: visuals:
Nemesis - Noize Creator
where and when
Festspielhaus Hellerau
Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 56, Dresden / Germany
october 8th, 2010
Presale : 8,00 € / 4,00 €
Tickets via Reservix: ticket2day
more information
T-M-A Hellerau // Facebook Event Page // // bohnerwachs